Thursday, August 28, 2008

number what??

I just thought that because of half the people on my blog list already know, I should tell the rest of you. Baby number last is on the way!! Mark and I waited a bit to tell because the doctor didn't find the heart beat at our first appointment, so I wanted to wait to make sure we had heard it!! The expected due date is March 7, 09.(on my little sister's birthday-sorry AmyLyn!) Things so far are good, if you could count living through morning sickness with 4 other kids! But I lived even though I still have a rough day or two! The kids are excited, the older 3 think boy while Addi thinks girl. Mark and I are really hoping for a boy, so we will have to wait and see!!


Kriss & Jenni said...

Congrats!!! I totally knew the other day when we talked. Good try covering it up though! 5 kids WOW!!! 4 is good for me right now.


Mike and Lisa said...

Congratulations! I'm so excited for you. Wow, I can't imagine 5 kids right now when I'm barely going on 1. But I'm sure you're an awesome mom!


CONGRATS!! How exciting!! I can't believe you are going on number 5!! One huge benefit though is that you always be young enough w/energy to enjoy your kids when they are little! My mom had her last at age 42 (it was a much-waited-for surprise!) She's a pretty energetic woman though! Congrats again!! Luckily you also have older kids that should be a big help huh?!

kylee said...

Congratulations! That is so fun! I can't believe you are on your fifth kid either! That's just crazy! Hopefully the morning sickness dies completely here soon. I'll cross my finger for you for the boy!