Sunday, May 27, 2012
Payton Turns 7
From this:
To this:
How time flies! For reasons unknow, we only got video of Paytons Birthday! His highlight was his weather proof football that he got.
Some of Paytons highlight of the year are: Karate, he has now earned his orange belt, soccer, he played both fall and spring leauge, in school he has excelled in his reading and every Friday he runs home to show me his 100% on his spelling, this past year he also learned to ride his bike with out training wheels and he is super excited to start his coach pitch baseball leauge! He can't wait till his next birthday cause he will be 8 and he will get to be baptized! We love having this little prankster in are family and we can't wait to see what this next year brings to him.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Power Rangers celebrate # 3!
For the last FOREVER all Boston wanted to watch was Power Rangers, so of course for his birthday he wanted a power ranger cake! But being busy as we were, we had so many school concerts going on, that Boston didn't have a huge clebration! I did manage to order him the Power Ranger cupcakes. Mark took him to the store to pick out his present, which happend to be the Captin America shield, and then on Saturday we took him and the rest of the kiddos to play mini-golf. He was in HEAVEN! He loved to hit the golf ball into the hole and made sure every time that he put the ball down only inches away form the hole just so he could score and move quickly to the hole! Every time he got the ball in the hole he would scream and shout and celebrate loudly, I think he had fun! We can't wait to see what this next year brings to him!
One More Year!!! January 2012
One more year and this beauty will be in Young Womens!! She can't wait to be grown up, but really, who could!! Lakota is the biggest help around the house! She helps watch kids when mom has to run other kids to activities, she loves to make cards and she really, really, really enjoys reading! She is very smart and in May of this year (2012) lakota was awarded student of the month! Lakota is quite the little sports gal with working on dance and softball! She is also progressing in her piano and love her new piano teacher! With one more year in elementary and one more year left till young womens, this little one is growning up too fast for her mom and dad!!
Christmas in a blur!! 2011
Literally Christmas was a BLUR!!! one of my smart kids decided to help mom adjust her camera settings, and me being super smart could not get the pictures to focus like they should have been! so the pictures are what they are! (lucky for me, scott knew how to fix it!) For Christmas we always get games and movies that can bring the family together for family time. Also we get the kids a new out fit. The girls asked for fashion boots, and the boys asked for every action figure they could come up with! so here is our Christmas in a blur!
Chirstmas dance concert 2011
All 3 of the girls are in dance this year! Addison did a cute Mrs. Clause dance, Makayla did a hip hop number and Lakota did an amazing black light dance. It was super fun to see as each of these girls came out of their shells and get up on stage and performe for a lot of people! They each have made some new and amazing friends. They were great performers!
Christmas tree chopping! 2011
Every year we stand in line to buy a christmas tree permit. Then the weekend after Thanksgiving we as a family go and pick out a tree. The guys go off to pick out the perfect tree while us moms watch kids play in the snow. Here are some of the highlight picuters!
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