Sunday, September 7, 2014

Bear Lake

July 20 2013
This is one of our favorite family vacation traditions! This year we camped in a tent! We took the boat and spent the days on the beach. The kids love building in the sand the most! One of my favorite memories from this trip was the bikes. We rented the bikes for the evening and we all took turns! Payton and I kept racing around camp, he was full of smiles and giggles! The older girls liked the bigger bike because more people could ride! This is one camp grounds we will be go back to.

Rodeo 2013

Can't pass the summer without doing pleasant grove strawberry days! One night we take the kids to the rodeo then on Saturday Mark and I go for date night! Oh how we love the month of June.

Dance, dance, dance

June8, 2013
This was Lakota's last dance performance! Addison and Lakota had so much fun! I love watching my girls have fun on the "big stage". Lakota has decided to not continue with dance but instead focus on music and sports! Addi will continue next year with Makayla! 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Finally diagnosed!

This kid has been sick from day one! After constantly going in to my doctor, instacare and the ER I finally took him to see an allergy specialist! 14 pokes later he said that he didn't have a reaction to anything, so he said he would put him on a bunch of asthma medications and see how it goes! After a few months of pills, syrups and breathing treatments this little guy started to get better! As time went on he got down to only one breathing treatment as needed! Glad to have him healthy after 4 years of doctors every 10 days! April 28 2013

8 is great, Payton

Handsome little guy! Can't believe he is 8! Love his smile and crazy attitude, he is always making us laugh! I'm truly blessed to call him mine. I'm grateful for his example to be baptized. April 11 2013 

Boston turns 4

While Mark and I were on vacation, this little guy turned 4! No need to worry, I had all the birthday plans ready to go before we left! Grandma Leatham picked up the balloons and the power ranger cup cakes we ordered! As for the present, he wanted a boy baby! After searching and opening 3 twin sets to make sure there was a boy- he got his wish! A boy and girl twin set! Grandma leatham made clothes and blankets for the dolls as her gift for Boston's birthday! He couldn't have been more happy and excited! We love him so very much!! February 18, 2013  

Utah, New York, Bahamas, Florida!

Cruising from NEW YORK CITY! Mark and I got to go on vacation to the BAHAMAS! It was so stunning! Clear water, perfect beaches and bright colored buildings. I loved sitting on the beach with Mark and having nothing to do! Reading a book and drinking a piña colada and cooling off the the blue water! What a great way to take a break! February 14, 2013