We had a trip to DisneyLand planned for a few weeks, we didn't want to tell the kids because we knew we would get the questions for weeks, "when are we going?", "how many more days?" and "can we load up the car yet?" I wanted a creative way to tell them, so I went to the Disney store and got them each a shirt. At home I wrapped them up cute and placed them out of little eyes range. The friday before we were to leave, (leaving midnight on sunday) we let them open thier bags, that way they could tell thier friends at school! As they were opening Lakota had the idea in her head that we were telling them that Daddy and I were pregnant and the shirts were to tell them what we were having......well she was both happy for the trip but also sad we were NOT having a baby, twins in her case :)
With only one day left to pack, and excitment running around we were all ready to go, for it was all our first time going to Disney Land.